Saturday, October 19, 2013

Teen Read Week Extravaganza

Teen Read Week was absolutely wonderful, and jam-packed. I saw some young people at the library who I never came into contact with before, and I felt like a creepy, lonely party host: 

"Oh, please stay. Please do." *whispers* "I made cake..." 

Perhaps less desperation next time? Mhmmm. Na. 

Anyhow, I am left feeling exhausted, and a bit off. (Which is probably not the result of Teen Read Week, but rather, cheap take-out food.) But now, stomach in check, here is the awaited rundown on the awesome week we had.


Hot Dates: What is better than an evening with a book? The perfect companion, I think. One that never talks back, or doesn't like you emailing them, or uses the phrase, "It's not you, it's me," or....

Julia had the awesome idea to bring the blind-date scenario to life at the library. Except, this kind ends well. And boy, were there hot selections. Fantasy, horror, and rrromance. It all was there, in cosmic-paper splendor:

Aliens?!: In accordance with the Teen Read Week theme, "Seek the Unknown," Theresa put up this guy. I am forced to battle between three thoughts concerning this:

1. How can I steal it without her looking?
2. What does Theresa's house look like?
3. How can I break into be invited to Theresa's house?

Pumpkin Decorating Contest:

Because of liability even with plastic knives that could not cut cheese, thanks law reasons, there was not a pumpkin carving competition, but rather, a pumpkin decorating one. I thought this may have been a bit tame, but was I wrong. The participants brought their enthusiasm, and wild creativity to the table, and I must admit, a bit grudgingly, that the pumpkin decorating was a smashing success:

Here were the final submissions:








And with your votes, here is the grand prize winner!

So, as you can see, there were some mad creative skills being utilized this week. On behalf of the Youth Services staff, I can say it has been a joy to see some new faces in the library this Teen Read Week. We hope you come to stay. Your creativity this week has shown us why we are here. 

A little creativity, and out-of-the box mentality goes a long way; if you are a teen, a student, or like us, a group of slightly-offbeat librarians.

Stay Out of The Box,