The Terrific Threes and Fours will continue the fun on January 25th when we read more Chinese New Year tales, dance with our red paper lanterns, figure out how to put together Chinese Zodiac Animal puzzles, and make those happy dragon puppets too!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Toddling Twos and Terrific Threes and Fours January 23rd and 25th Storytime Topic: Chinese New Year
Our Toddling Twos will ring in the Chinese New Year (The Year of the Dragon) on January 23rd by dancing with red paper lanterns to Disney's Mulan "True to Your Heart", see why five little dragons were merrily dancing in a Five Green Dragons flannel board, read Chinese New Year themed books such as My First Chinese New Year by Karen Katz, and create a happy dragon puppet!
The Terrific Threes and Fours will continue the fun on January 25th when we read more Chinese New Year tales, dance with our red paper lanterns, figure out how to put together Chinese Zodiac Animal puzzles, and make those happy dragon puppets too!
The Terrific Threes and Fours will continue the fun on January 25th when we read more Chinese New Year tales, dance with our red paper lanterns, figure out how to put together Chinese Zodiac Animal puzzles, and make those happy dragon puppets too!